Into Death

Into Death
Last in Series Now Available!

My Amazon Author Page

Progress Meter

Coming Soon! 2nd novella in the Miss Beale Writes series: The Bride in Ghostly White. A touch of gothic, a touch of mystery.
In the Sketching Stage ~ Miss Beale Write 3: The Captive in Green. A touch of gothic, a touch of mystery
Current Focus ~ Audiobooks from The Write Focus podcast. Published this year: Discovering Characters and Discovering Your Plot; Coming SOON: Defeat Writer's Block

Friday, November 15, 2019

Discovering Your Author Brand!

What's the secret for any successful writer? Having readers recognize her books.

How do readers recognize books? Books are branded.

Who does the branding? The marketing department.

Who handles the marketing for a self-published writer? The writer.

How can I succeed at branding when I don't know anything? Use Discovering Your Author Brand to understand the secrets of branding a book, a series, and you the author.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Writers Write Words

If you want to improve your writing, start at the basic level: words and sentences.

Just published is my essential guidebook for enhancing Discovering Sentence Craft covers figurative and structural elements, from metaphors and symbols to zeugma and polysyndetons.

The guidebook is A to Z, auxesis to zeugma.
words and sentences. 

What more could you want? Find it here.

Free Novella

Christmas Gift!

Free Novella! Whether you like historical mystery, historical suspense, 1920s romance, crime / mystery / suspense, or all 3 -- check out The...