Into Death

Into Death
Last in Series Now Available!

My Amazon Author Page

Progress Meter

Coming Soon! 2nd novella in the Miss Beale Writes series: The Bride in Ghostly White. A touch of gothic, a touch of mystery.
In the Sketching Stage ~ Miss Beale Write 3: The Captive in Green. A touch of gothic, a touch of mystery
Current Focus ~ Audiobooks from The Write Focus podcast. Published this year: Discovering Characters and Discovering Your Plot; Coming SOON: Defeat Writer's Block

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

free fiction: opening of Key for Spies by M.A. Lee

Here's the opening 25 pages in The Key for Spies, M.A. Lee's 7th book in the Hearts in Hazard series.  Watch this blog for publication information!

Prologue ~ Two Officers

1st April 1813, Thursday
Thieves night, his older brother had called it, back when they’d run together.  They’d taken to the dark streets, smashed locks to steal pastries or sausages, pried open windows to climb into dark rooms and stolen locked boxes with their stashes of coins.  Pierre never knew who Mattias worked for.  Belly stuffed with iced rolls or spiced sausage, he had trailed behind his brother.  Until the gendarmes caught Mat with a hand stuck in the alms box.
Hidden behind a dark column, he’d frozen when the gendarmes appeared.  Then black wings flapped before his face.  Pierre ran until his sides hurt and his too-tight shoes split along the worn sides.  He’d abandoned his brother, a betrayal that had never left him.
The next day he ran on to Marseilles and re-invented himself as Pierre LeCuyer.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Monster Monday: Trolling Pronouns

John and Tom met with Mike, and he didn't know how to tell him.

Who is he?  Who is him?

Shouldn't it be them?  Which one should be them?

Wait, one's a one;  it can't be two.  One can't be them.

I'm all confused.  Clear Pronoun Reference to the Rescue.

Free Novella

Christmas Gift!

Free Novella! Whether you like historical mystery, historical suspense, 1920s romance, crime / mystery / suspense, or all 3 -- check out The...